French Knot


The French knot is a decorative stitch used in surface embroidery. This stitch can be be used to do little flowers, or as a filling stitch, or as the center of flowers. French Knots can look challenging, but with little practicing I’m sure you can do it.

Bring the needle out through point 1, and position the needle close to the fabric.

French Knot |  How to embroider for beginners

Wrap the thread around the needle once for a small knot, twice for a larger knot (size of your knot depending on how many threads you use as well).

French Knot |  How to embroider for beginners

Poke the needle back in the fabric (keep the longer end of the thread pulled with your fingers) at point 2, right next to the point 1, but not in the same hole.

French knot |  How to embroider for beginners

Pull the needle and thread all the way through the fabric. Hold the working thread taut as you pull the needle and thread through, this tension helps create nice, even French knots.

French knot |  How to embroider for beginners
  French knot |  How to embroider for beginners
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